Check the match results via the SSI competition site in here!
You can download the results in PDF form also via the links below:
Huge thanks to all participants, both to competitors and staff! And congratulations to the winners!
Mikkelin Ampujat Practical-division arranges Mikkeli Practical XXV – Finnish IPSC Rifle Nationals 2016, Internationally sanctioned Level III IPSC Match at 16 – 17th July 2016.
Semi Auto Open, Semi Auto Standard.
Location of ranges:
Savon Prikaati’s Kyrönpellon ampumarata, 5 kilometres north from Mikkeli to Jyväskylä. IPSC targets will be the signs and Orimäen ampumarata Orimäentie 164, 51900 Juva (see links below).
Pre Match 15.7.2016
Registration starts: 16.7.2016 07.00 at Range Offices (Mikkeli Kyrönpirtti and Juva Orimäki)
Match briefing starts: 16.7.2016 08.00 at Range Offices
Shooting starts: 16.7.2016 09.00
Shooting starts: 17.7.2016 09.00
According IPSC Rifle rules (January 2016 edition). Only the members of IPSC are allowed to participate.
Match Director: Kimmo Iso-Tuisku, MA
Range Master: Kristian Poikonen, Kuas
Prizes: Every divisions 1st, 2nd 3rd will be awarded. Teams will be awarded (if required numbers of competitors fill up).
Number of stages: Competition consists of 14 stages + PF.
Number of rounds: approximately 265 + PF.
Match capacity:
The total capacity of the match is 108 shooters in the main match. Of these, 71 slots will be given out on a first come, first served basis. Slots reserved for Nordic National Teams, Finnish ranking list and national teams must be confirmed by June 9th. The remaining slots will be allocated on June 10th among those who have registered for the match and are on the waiting list.
Entry fee and registration
Entry fee is 90 € and team 30 € and should be paid before 15th June 2016.
Registration is accepted only if entry fee is paid before deadline.
Registrations preferably by literally and aggregate of competitors.
When you register, please include your first name, last name, division(Open/ Standard) and category (Junior, Senior, Supersenior or Female) and possible squad requests (for example same gun) + Minor or Major
Registration starts at 20.00 9.5. and closes 3.6. at 24.00
Registration address:
Accomplished fees will be returned only by acceptable reason (medical certificate)
Bank information:
Recipient: Mikkelin Ampujat Ry
IBAN: FI63 5271 0420 2738 16
Write to bank notice: ”Finnish IPSC Rifle Nationals 2016” and competitors name/names.
Also remember bring the bank notice to match place to prove that you have paid the registration fee.
The match is also a component match of the Finnish 3GUN Grand Tournament 2016. Payment of the personal match fee covers entry to the Rifle match only. Other component matches of the Grand Tournament must be registered to and paid for separately.
Additional info:
Kimmo Iso-Tuisku, GSM: +358 440 228730
Update on food!
Food services are available both on Mikkeli (Fri-Sun) and in Juva (Sat-Sun)! Food is not included in the competition fee, but the prices are user-friendly.
Map to Mikkeli (Kyrönpellon ampumarata/shooting range), click here
Map to Juva (Orimäen ampumarata/shooting range), click here.
Stage descriptions are here!
Accommodation? – updated 13.7.2016
Hotels are booked and we cannot assist you in that matter. However, we have an old school booked outside of Mikkeli and there’s still room for people. General details here:
- in an old, empty school outside Mikkeli city area
- some showers, toilets, kitchen with regular cooking utensils, microwave, coffee maker and a fridge
- sleeping is on the floor of the old classrooms – own sheets/sleeping bag and pillows
- located app. 20 km from Kyrönpelto and 70 km from Juva (about 20 min and 1h15min drive)
- confirmed price for Fri-Sun is 20 euros per competitioner
- we’re sending confirmation e-mails now for those who have already contacted us
- payment is in cash at the place
If you’re interested, please send an e-mail to so that we’ll know to expect you. You can also ask more details about the place before booking via e-mail.